Monday 10 January 2011

TV Drama

Both Series are very different, as they differ in their theme, audience. East Enders has become very popular throughout all these years of being shown on the telly. This is also because it is watchable by person in any stage of their lives. On the other hand Skins isn’t as known as East Enders, and that is because the audience for this type of TV Drama is very limited. Firstly and most importantly it is only for people that are over 18. Secondly it wouldn’t also interest old people, as it might become too dramatic and not interesting for them. Genre is actually quite similar for both, as it involves and is all about real people and mirrors everyday lives of the main characters, as well it might sort of somehow link to the people’s lives that have chosen to watch this particular type of TV Drama.

Length of the episode I chose to watch without advertising breaks was around 15 minutes.
Length of the episode I have chosen to watch including advertising breaks was around 46 minutes.
The characters of East Enders are very much like normal people just living their lives that at times get too dramatic. There are a lot of extras used for this type of TV Drama, so there are usually new faces in also every episode.
Effy- Drug addicted girl that is one of the main characters.
Freddie- Effys boyfriend.
Emily- Effies friend. She has a twin sister.
Pandora- Effies best friend.
All of those are the main characters, and the al story is about their relationship and their dramatic lives.
As this is British TV Drama, the location the episode was shot in should be based somewhere in the UK. Indoors as in most cases for TV Drama there are cameras used to just bring the people out from the background and to be able to show the audience what they are meant to see and focus on.  
This is also another British TV Drama episode, the location is small city in England. Indoors there are usually cameras used, but for this episode there was a scene indoors, where they took an advantage of the lights coming out of the window, and that was done to show the audience that it is morning. 
Advertising breaks
I watched it on YouTube, so there weren’t any advertising breaks included.
There was 3 advertising break throughout the all episode. Each lasted for about average of 4 minutes. 

East Enders episode I watched was shot at night time, which means that they had to use the lights, which probably took a lot of time. On the other hand Skins episode that I watched was filmed at day or morning time. And they used the light from the window, which must have been easier and quicker.

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