Tuesday 25 January 2011

Five days analysis and notes on TV Drama.

TV Drama can be -> ongoing, one off.
                            -> comedy, political.
                            -> Made up of episodes.
                            -> Dramatisation of real life.
                            -> 'SOAP' this word was discovered in America in 1950s when they started screening daytime TV Drama series for house wives and the advertised soap powder in between the commercial breaks.
Form: This relates to the shape or structure of the text. Oftenly linked to the narrative. This involves looking at the lenght and structure of the episode or series.
Style: This involves analysing mise-en-scene as well as lighting, setting.
Genre: This is about finding out the genre and the audiance for this sort of TV Drama. Could involve the narrative.
Conventions: This is perticular elements which makes it recognisable. This could be linked to form, language, theme or visual elements.
Non verbal language is all about (gesture, pose, stance, mannerism) Basically it is about the way that things are shown and the messages are passed on through things we see not hear in the film.
Visual language is about the way that the camera is used as well as lighing. Semiotics: study of signs and symbols.
Aural language inculed verbal language. The sound mix as an example. Atmosphere, tracks, voice over, sound effects. This all divides into two parts.

                                diegetic sound:*Atmosphere
                                                      *relevent and natural sound.
                        non-diegetic sound:*Tracks
                                                     *voice over
                                                     *sound effects

Non verbal language:
*Symbolic code of little boys hand, which reperesented the title of the movie, which is 5 days.
*The actors are all in different age groups, might be that they are relatives in some way.
*There is few scenes, where the actors are being linked somehow through non verbal language. First is when the little boy was reaching his hand in the sky, and the airplane was flying pass. This made me fell like the characters in the plane are in some way or will be linked to the little boy. The other link I knowtist was when the family was driving in the car and the lady in the car said 'whe know who loves his flowers' and then the shot straight away cuts to a old men, which is watering his flowers. This makes me think that they are on the way to wisit him and bring him some flowers.
Verbal language:
*Both, diegetic sound was used quite alot. For example, when the old men was watering his flowers. The sound was filmed behind the widow, which created very suspitious feeling.

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