Wednesday 19 January 2011

Skins season 1 episode 1
Genre:Teenage drama which involves alcohol and drugs. It can only be viewed from the age of 18. This type of series should be plaid after 21.15. This series are plaid on channel 4 and MTV.
Style: The main actors are mostly around age of 16-18. Mise-en-scene is usual, casual clothing. Sometimes a lot of make up is used for the main character, which is Effy. Mostly filmed at school/college, which involves a lot of teens.
Form: British TV Drama series. has multiple narratives. One episode is around 50 minutes long.
verbal language: a lot of swearing and slang is being used.
sound: Mostly diegetic sound is used. As an exaple birds and the school bell. Non diegetic sound is used in the opening sequence.
non verbal language: manners of the actors show the age group and also their social status.
Visual language: mostly still camera shots are used. When inside, in the first episode the lightning isn't used, as it has some sunlight coming out of the window. This is being used as an advantage, as it needed to look like it is morning time. So it depends on what is relevant the episode and what the director wishes for us to see.
Form: Tv Drama Series. Children's drama up to age of 12.It is 30 minutes long, so the children wouldn't get bored of it.
Genre: Very simple to understand and very colourful to watch, as it is important to make it interesting for the audience, as they are quite young. The story is about school and relationship between children.
sound: diegetic sound is used quite alot, but non-diegetic sound is being used more. This type of sound being used is kind of sound that is being used in cartoons.
non-verbal: facial expressions of the children and the way they act gives me idea of the age group the series are made for.
White girl:
Form: One off TV Drama, which is an hour and a half long. This type of tv drama takes more time to introduce the characters as well as the location.
Genre: I would call it more or less social realism type of a movie. There are kids involved, but from the way the movie is shot and from the story, It allready shows me that the main character, which is the blond young girl of the family has gone through a quite hard life.
Style: Small town family, quite poor background, dressed simply, didn't take them a lot of time to move out. From the way the movie is shot, it is easy to already tell that the all movie is going to be about the blond, young girl.
Aural language: The song used was relevant to their situation, as the lyrics mentioned words as, 'I can't stay here'. It made the mood change as well as made me listen to the lyrics which were relevant to their story and understand it even more through the song.
Non-verbal: Eye contact with ladies dressed in 'burka' and the main character, which gave me a feeling that the young girl is new to other religions and isn't very informed about it.
The Bill:
Form: Political drama series. 1 hour long and has multiple narratives.
Genre: Political drama series, as it said 'previously' on the screen and showed me the previous episode of it. This would be the type of series that will have different story every episode.
Style: Police station, police uniforms, police cars, a lot of attention, cases being solved and people being rescued or arrested. 
Sounds: Both, non and diegetic sound is being used. Diegetic sound is when there is sound of phones in the office calling and non diegetic sound is used at the opening sequence.
Non verbal: the white board with victims on it, which suggested that someone is going to be rescued soon.
Verbal language: by the language that was used, I could straight away tell, that this series is about important business and is mostly for adults to watch.

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