Tuesday 5 October 2010

City of god

  I have watched and analysed the opening sequence of city of God.
  Denotation: I saw knife, chicken, party was going on, people cooking food, Chickens being tied up, alcohol, people chasing chicken, that has escaped Two boys talking, guns, shooting and aiming at the chicken, those two boys ends up near the chicken, boys with guns and police. Boys with guns and police are now facing the chicken and one of the boys.
  This description probably wouldn't make sense to anyone if they haven't watch this opening sequence, because shots can show and express a lot about what is the meaning of all this!
  This is connotation I came up with. I felt that somebody will get killed because of the knife at the beginning. This gave me negative feelings, which is disequilibrium. People are having a party, there is very loud and fun music, which gave me cozy kind of feeling. In fact it kind of made me want to dance! This I would call more of equilibrium. Close up shot is used on chicken, we kind of get the idea of what the chicken is there for in the first place. There are some scenes of people just killing and cutting up the chickens.I didn't really feel very comfortable to watch it. I felt like I wanted to become a vegetarian after watching this. This would be disequilibrium. There is only one chicken that is tied up and is watching the death of its friends or family. Close up is used to show chickens emotions and scare. The chicken tries to escape. Long shot of chicken have been used to show how it unties its leg and gets away.Chicken has now escaped and bunch of boys are chasing it. Wide shot is used to show us more of the place. Fast cutting of shots is used to show us the action. It wasn't very funny, but the music made me laugh very much, so I would call it equilibrium.
  Scene cuts to two random boys. long shot was used. Wide shot was used to show us the chicken and these two boys running on to people that were chasing after chicken. To show whatš going on around this boy, camera turned around in 360 degrees in a slow motion. This gives me feeling that this random boy is actually going to be  Protagonist of this movie and the boys chasing chicken were just antagonists.
  This is very dramatic opening as it kept on changing from very sad to very funny, by help of music and shot angles.

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