Wednesday 13 October 2010

Analysis on two opening scenes.

I analysed two opening sequences of two films.
The dividing bell and the butterfly.

French movie, based in France.Picture at the beginning is very unclear. As somebody is blinking their eye. I hear loud breathing. All of this shows me that this is from persons point of view. There are a lot of flowers in the room, from this i get idea of where the location is (hospital) and the main character is the patient. Extreme close up is being used on doctors face while speaking to the main character. He is unable to speak, but we only hear his thoughts so we actually hear him speaking but nobody replying to him.He breaths heavily, so he is in pain. Unclear picture, doctor tells him that he were in coma for almost 3 weeks. He does undertand everything, but he is like locked in his body.
Camera shots are slightly not orientated because it is all from the patients point of view or eye. The person isn't very orientating very well, so that's why camera shots are also very unclear.

Youth without youth

I can hear clock ticking, but cant see anything for few seconds. I see a scalp of a human in medium shot. This gives me idea, that death is going to take a part in the film.I see close up of a clock. It is very old fashioned , which shows me that this clock could have been passed on  from someone, but it has "With love Laura" written on it, so it was given to her lover. Upside down picture of woman (extreme close up). I see a lot of notes and letters on a piece of paper. Some of it has been crossed out. Medium shot is used to show the woman in pictures passing the clock directly to camera, which would probably suggest that to the main character. Medium close up of an elderly man sleeping in bed, just woken up from a dream. He has his eyes open, the lightning is very poor, because we can only see half of his face. He just sits down in the bad and wide shot of the room has been used to show the location, which is a bedroom. The lady that he saw in his dream has died, the scalp gave me idea. So now he is all alone and he can't cope without her. He is crying, but this shot is wide shot , but I can only see his back. Can't see his expressions while crying.

Both openings were very wonderful and I enjoyed analysing it.


  1. www good work, some use of media terminology

    ebi you use more specific media terms to explore the denotations and connotations of the opening. Part of this exercise requires you to understand how the opening of a film sets the tone for what is to come and partly it is to show that you understand the conventions which all feature films obey with regard to institution, credits etc.

  2. very good. especially the second one. Loads of camera shots. perhaps more connotations.
