Thursday 30 September 2010

Todays lesson!

Today we have looked at and experienced with many types of camera shots, lightning and different positions of it. 180degrees rule is also very important thing to remember in order to make the shot work. I have learnt that it is not up to characters and script but it is up to camera position to make the shot seem as you want it to seem! It also changes the mood of the shot. this gave me some experience and made me realise that you have to work hard to get everything done well.

Wednesday 22 September 2010


What did you find most difficult in planning?
 Most difficult for me was to draw camera shots on the paper. And rest of planning i found quite easy!
What was the most successful part of your filming and why?
  As I was acting, the most easy scenes to shot were the ones where you couldn't really see my face in, because it is quite difficult to ignore a camera in front of you!
What was the effect of the restriction of having no dialogue to tell the story?
  Well it made the audience concentrate more on shot sizes and what it tells us about the movie and or characters!
What did you learn from editing the film?
 I have learned that it needs quite of time and skills which will probably be practiced over a period of time!
What will you do differently next time?
 I will definitely shoot one shot but from many angles, so it would be much easier to edit it after.

This is the link to the video that me and Amira edited!

Tuesday 21 September 2010

21/09/2010 homework.

I have watched some great drama over he weekend. I had to analyse a piece of drama, in order to practice my skills.
I am going to analyse "Skins" Season 1 episode 1 introduction of the main character.

Camera shots used:
Extreme close up was used right at the beggining to show the main character.Long shot was used to show the main character laying in bed.Birds eye shot was used to show him getting up from the bad and straching. Medium long shot was used to show him looking at himself in the mirror.
Mise en scene: Scene was shot at typical english home. The main character is wearing underwear, to give us feeling, that he is feeling comfortable of his body also that he is at his home.main ligtening is comming from the window in his room.
Body language: very confident, popular in school.

This is the first minute of this episode, which all about the main character and his bright personality. I will keep analysing this apisode  week by week in order to improve my skills on analysing.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

Homework for tuesday!

 For last few days I have been looking closely at the way and reasons for me to use media!!! During those 4 days I have watched TV, listened to music, went online. This shows us how addicted we are to media and we use it in our everyday life.
 The reason people use media is to entertain, educate and inform us of different things that are going on around us!
  I have used media affectively and I think that everyone at some point will be needing media to entertain or give them some information.

Thursday 9 September 2010

09/09/10 Second lesson

  Today we have watched a drama scene and analysed the way it has been filmed, the way that lighting has been set up in order to bring out the main character from everything that is going on around them. I also have learnt that body language and clothing the character is wearing does introduce us to characters position in this scene! Either if it is the main character or maybe just a reporter, which in this case was less important character. 
 Important things to look at are:

  •  Camera position
  • Focus
  • Location/ set
  • Lighting ->key light
  •                 ->back light
  •                 ->fill light
  • Body language, eye-line, performance
  • Shot size and angle
  All of these things are used to analyse a scene easier.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

07/09/10 (First Media lesson)

In my first lesson of media I have learnt, that there used to be only 2 types of media, which were only "print media" and "audio-visual media", but in last 2 years third type of media has been discovered, which is "E media"

Print media | Newspapers
                  | Magazines

E media | Internet
             | Technology
             | TV
             | Radio
             | Film
             | Social networking

Audio-visual | TV
                    | Radio
                    | Film/ cinema