Thursday 17 February 2011

Things we need to complete.

* The movie opening-
The picture edits are completed.
The sound edits are partly done. Could be completed in two weeks time.
There is still some extra research to be completed as well as the poster/dvd cover should be done soon.

Thursday 10 February 2011


mise-en-scene of the clip we watched was set in old times. Two woman that were dominating within the video was wearing a simple and plain clothing, which didn't have any sense of colour to it. their hair wasn't very well done, which tells me that they were too busy to take care of things like that. This brings out the sense of their status as well as class. As it was filmed in quite old times, I would actually call the characters middle class. the reason for that is, the first shot of a lady carrying baby and the two kids playing at the side of the road. Their social status was very low, as their house vas in a very bad condition. I would say that the lady ow the lower class was a single mother with three kids. Another character in the clip was being carried by two man in a 'carry box'. this shows me, that the lady is in upper or middle class, as she was treated as a royalty comparing to the other characters within the clip. So in conclusion I think that in this video there was all statuses clearly shown within that time period.
Shots: The shots that were used were mostly wide and long shots. I think that this was done in order to give the audience a clear idea of what time of period the film was in, as well as just to introduce all the characters. Also there were a lot of shots used, where the audience was meant to be focused on a less important things, which were actually very important, as it would help the audience to understand the story much more.
Sound: The sound used within the clip was only diegetic sound. I find this very stereotypical for the time of the period, as in old times they would use non diegetic sound too often. And if they would, it would be a classical type of music.
The setting: the house where one of the main characters in the clip lived was very simple and small in size. I would say that there was no luxuries. The house seemed very grey.

PROPS: The lady had a cat, which gave me an idea, that the lady is a middle class, as she had enough of money to take care of a pet as well, where as the lower class people would not be able to keep a pet at that time period. The cary box was a interesting prop that was used in order to show us the status of the lady that was being carried in it.

Genre: I would call it TV drama social historical realism.